The Education Bureau (EDB) today (April 2) invited expression of interest by eligible applicant bodies for allocation of estate kindergarten premises for operation of kindergartens.
"The three estate kindergarten premises available for application in this school allocation exercise are located at new public housing estates in Kowloon. The two estate kindergarten premises at Choi Tak Estate and Yau Lai Estate in Kwun Tong are readily available now for letting, while one located at Shek Kip Mei Estate in Sham Shui Po is scheduled to be completed around mid-2012," an EDB spokesman said.
"The estate kindergarten premises are made available for operation of kindergartens having regard to existing planning standards. Allocation of the kindergarten premises is on a competitive basis. Quality of education will be the prime consideration and applications will be assessed primarily on the basis of the merits of the proposals and track record of the applicant bodies in operating kindergartens."
In line with the established policy for school allocation, an applicant body should be a charitable institution or trust of a public character exempted from tax under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, and be:
(1) incorporated under the Companies Ordinance, with its memorandum and articles of association containing all the standard clauses and articles required for allocation of a school; or
(2) incorporated under other ordinances, with its constitution satisfying the Permanent Secretary for Education as being fit to be considered for allocation of a school.
"After the close of the expression of interest exercise, we will invite those eligible applicant bodies which have responded to the expression of interest exercise and fulfil the two established criteria mentioned above to submit detailed school proposals. All eligible applications will be considered by the School Allocation Committee comprising official and non-official members," the spokesman said.
Interested parties are required to express interest by submitting a completed reply form to the Infrastructure and Research Support Division (Address: 6/F, East Wing, Central Government Offices, 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong) before 5pm on April 20, 2012. The reply form and other reference materials can be found at the EDB homepage (www.edb.gov.hk/index.aspx?nodeid=246&langno=1). Enquiries can be made at 3509 8413 or 3509 8411.
Ends/Monday, April 2, 2012
Issued at HKT 12:02