FEHD raids shop for selling chilled meat as fresh meat (with photo)

     The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) raided a fresh provision shop (FPS) in Ngau Chi Wan, Wong Tai Sin, this morning (November 11) after receiving complaints that chilled meat was sold as fresh meat.

     The FPS, located at Shop 3 on the ground floor at Wah Chi Path, is only allowed to sell fresh pork according to its licence.

     During the operation, FEHD officers seized about 460 kilogrammes of suspected chilled pork and about 170kg of chilled poultry. Two samples of meat were also collected for analysis for preservatives and a veterinary drug residue (clenbuterol). The licensee was arrested to assist in investigations.

     A department spokesman said anyone selling chilled meat and chilled poultry without permission is committing an offence and is liable to a maximum fine of $50,000 and six months' imprisonment on conviction. Sale of chilled meat as fresh meat is a breach of licensing conditions and the department will consider cancellation of the FPS licence.

     "The department will continue to closely monitor the sale of fresh meat at the retail level and take stringent enforcement action to safeguard food safety and public health," he stressed.

     Anyone who has doubts about meat being sold at retail outlets should call the FEHD's hotline at 2868 0000.

Ends/Friday, November 11, 2011
Issued at HKT 19:47