The following is issued on behalf of the Education Commission:
The Chairman of the Education Commission, Dr Moses Cheng, today (October 12) welcomed the new initiatives on education announced in the Chief Executive's 2011-12 Policy Address.
"As the Chairman of the Education Commission, I share that attracting and nurturing talent is essential for our development as a knowledge-based economy as well as meeting the challenges of our ageing population. In this regard, the development of education services plays a crucial role in enhancing Hong Kong's potential for human resources development as well as our position and competitive edge amidst the trend of globalisation.
"The Education Commission set up the Working Group on the Development of Education Services in Hong Kong in early 2010. After soliciting and analysing views from various stakeholders in the education field and other sectors, the Working Group has put forward concrete proposals on, among others, widening the inflow of non-local students and their interaction with our local students.
"I highly appreciate that the Government will attract more overseas students to Hong Kong, extend student exchange programmes to cover the sub-degree level and so on, with a view to internationalising and diversifying our higher education sector," Dr Cheng said.
"I also welcome the Government's various new initiatives on education, in particular the provision of multiple study pathways for our students including the setting up of the International Cuisine College under the Vocational Training Council which will attract culinary professionals from around the world to promote the development of related sectors.
"I believe that the Education Bureau will be working closely with the stakeholders in implementing the initiatives. The Education Commission will continue to contribute its advice with a view to enhancing the quality of education and nurturing talent to enhance the competitiveness of Hong Kong," he added.
Ends/Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Issued at HKT 18:36