The Education Bureau (EDB) released the "Profile of Kindergartens and Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres 2011" today (October 11) at www.chsc.hk/kindergarten to enhance the transparency of kindergartens and provide more essential information to enable parents to make informed choices for their children.
"The Profile covers information on about 950 kindergartens and kindergarten-cum-child care centres, including the list of non-profit-making kindergartens joining the Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme (PEVS) in the 2011-12 school year in each district. The Profile also shows the approved school fees for kindergartens for the 2011-12 school year. For kindergartens joining the PEVS, their approved school fees after redemption of vouchers are also shown," an EDB spokesman said.
The spokesman pointed out that other information includes the number of teaching staff, professional qualifications of the principal and teachers, enrolment statistics, the teacher-to-pupil ratio and details of teaching and learning information for individual kindergartens as well as other charges they may collect.
The spokesman added, "All kindergartens joining the PEVS are required to disclose information on application of funds to various expenditure areas, in addition to other essential operational and curriculum details.
"All kindergartens joining the PEVS are required to undergo the Quality Review (QR) for quality assurance purposes. For those kindergartens that have completed the QR, information on whether they have met the prescribed standards is indicated in the Profile, and the QR Report, if ready, will be accessible by linkage provided."
Printed copies of the Profile will be available for parents' reference at the Regional Education Offices of the EDB, Public Enquiry Service Centres of the Home Affairs Department, Maternal and Child Health Centres of the Department of Health, Integrated Family Service Centres of the Social Welfare Department and public libraries effective from October 31.
Ends/Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Issued at HKT 14:21