In seeking alternative ways to remain relevant when faced with modern realities, printmakers and printmaking educators have expanded the concept of their art by merging traditional and modern elements. After years of exploration, printmaking now not only embraces 2D art, but also involves 3D works integrating light, shadow, sound, time and space, and even 4D art. Contemporary graphic art has broken through past limitations by successfully incorporating digital art, sculpture, painting, photography, performance arts and other creative forms, and, thanks to the crossover with these elements, printmaking has developed into a vibrant and exciting field.
With the aims of promoting graphic arts, fostering international exchange and enhancing public knowledge about the latest developments in digital-era graphic arts, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) has collaborated with the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism to present the Hong Kong Graphic Art Fiesta 2011. This large-scale cultural event is organised by the LCSD's Art Promotion Office, the Guan Shanyue Art Museum in Shenzhen and the Hong Kong Open Printshop and is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and the Special Foundation for Development of Culture and Communication Shenzhen.
The highlight of the Graphic Art Fiesta in Hong Kong is "Xin Yi Dai - An International University Students Exchange Exhibition", which features a diversity of student works from different universities around the world, including institutions from China, Australia, Brazil, Canada, the Czech Republic, Malaysia, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States. Through viewing artworks including hybrids of traditional printmaking, printstallation and sequential images, visitors will be able to gain knowledge of different facets and trends of print art in this digital era.
The exhibition is being held in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. After being held at the Guan Shanyue Art Museum in August, the exhibition has been moved to Hong Kong and is on display, featuring about 120 exhibits, at the Exhibition Gallery in Sha Tin Town Hall from now until October 16.
The exhibition in Hong Kong was officially opened today (October 6). The officiating guests at the opening ceremony included the Deputy Director of the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Chen Xinliang; the Curator of the Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Mr Chen Xiangbo; the Director of the Shenzhen International Cultural Exchange Association, Ms Liang Shihui; the Chairman of the Hong Kong Open Printshop, Mr Fung Ho-yin; the Assistant Director (Heritage and Museums) of Leisure and Cultural Services, Dr Louis Ng; and the Chief Curator of the Art Promotion Office, Ms Lesley Lau.
In order to commend participants in this international university students exchange exhibition, the organisers have selected winners of the "Best of the Show" title for each of the three categories in the exhibition. The results were announced at today's opening ceremony, during which a prize presentation was also held.
The "Best of the Show" winner for the category of traditional painting is "The Forum of Now and Then" by Yin Peng-peng (Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, Mainland China), and the winning entry for the category of printstallation is "Neglected Details" by Li Wei (Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, Mainland China). The winning entry in the category of sequential images is "The Most Beautiful Flower" by Wong Chun-kit (Hong Kong Art School and Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Hong Kong).
The judging committee based its decisions on uniqueness, creativity, artistic merit, expression and application of techniques in the entries.
In addition to the exhibition, a series of fringe activities is being organised. On October 8, the workshop "Illustration and Lithography Demonstration" by Gini Wade, a student of the School of Art, Aberystwyth University, the United Kingdom, will be held from 10am to 12.30pm. Another workshop, "Art on Paper and Printstallation", to be conducted by Ngoc-Long James Luu, a student of the Academy of Design, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, and Fung Hoi-ching, a Hong Kong student of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and the Hong Kong Art School, will be held on October 9 from 4pm to 5.30pm. The activities will be held at the Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre. Seats will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. For details, please call 2521 3008.
A trial virtual platform will also be set up with the aim of encouraging young people around the world to share their experiences by allowing overseas participants to both view the exhibition and express their ideas in a forum online. Visitors may go to the website at
www.open-printshop.org.hk/exhibition/hkgaf2011/ .
Sha Tin Town Hall is located at 1 Yuen Wo Road, Sha Tin, New Territories. It is open daily from 10am to 8pm. Admission to the exhibition is free.
For more information on the exhibition, please visit the Art Promotion Office's website: www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/Apo/en/programmes20110701_5.html. For enquires, call 2521 3008.
Ends/Thursday, October 6, 2011
Issued at HKT 18:30