Invest Hong Kong inspires Shantou entrepreneurs to "Go Global" via Hong Kong (with photo)

     Shantou enterprises were encouraged to continue their long history of investing in Hong Kong at a business dinner hosted by Invest Hong Kong in Shantou yesterday (July 25). The event inspired local entrepreneurs to take advantage of Hong Kong's position and the opportunities provided by the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) and Pan-Pearl River Delta cooperation in order to develop their overseas markets through Hong Kong.

     Hosted by Invest Hong Kong, the dinner event was titled "Hong Kong - Your Platform to Go Global". Co-organisers of the event included the Shantou Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau (Shantou Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Bureau) and the Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of Shantou. Director-General of Investment Promotion, Mr Simon Galpin, and Deputy Mayor of Shantou Municipal People's Government, Mr Zhou Zhensong, delivered welcome speeches at the dinner.

     In his remarks, Mr Galpin said, "Hong Kong and Shantou are important marine ports in south China. Shantou's history of entrˆ§pot trade via Hong Kong goes back more than 150 years and has contributed to Hong Kong's prosperity and development. With the growth of economic complementarity between the two cities, enterprises in Shantou can enhance their branding and global marketing by leveraging on Hong Kong's position as Asia's creative capital and trade and retail centre for consumer goods."

     Elaborating on Hong Kong's enduring business advantages, Mr Galpin said, "Hong Kong ranks highly for its business-friendly environment, diversified talent pool, world-class infrastructure, sound and independent legal system and low tax regime. With the availability of its internationalised professional services and creditable partners for Chinese enterprises, Hong Kong serves as an ideal platform for them to 'Go Global'."

     He continued, "To implement CEPA, the Framework Agreement on Hong Kong/Guangdong Cooperation and Pan-Pearl River Delta cooperation, Hong Kong will actively promote regional co-operation in fields including finance, services, tourism, city planning, innovation and infrastructure construction. Enterprises from Guangdong and Shantou should take advantage of the new opportunities offered to enable them to expand into global markets from Hong Kong."

     At the dinner, Head of Investment Promotion (Guangzhou) at Invest Hong Kong, Miss Peggy Law; Partner of CWCC, Mr Thomas Wong; and Creative Director of Tommy Li Design Workshop Ltd, Mr Tommy Li, gave presentations on Hong Kong's business advantages and how Invest Hong Kong can assist Mainland companies to set up in Hong Kong; how to optimise a company structure by using Hong Kong's tax system; Hong Kong's branding advantages and how to penetrate overseas markets with Hong Kong-based providers of marketing services.

About Invest Hong Kong

     Invest Hong Kong is the department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government established in July 2000 to take responsibility for Foreign Direct Investment and support overseas and Mainland businesses to set up or expand in Hong Kong. It provides free advice and customised services to help businesses succeed in Hong Kong's vibrant economy. As it celebrates its 11th anniversary, Invest Hong Kong has completed over 2 300 investment projects creating over 28 000 new jobs in the first year of operation or expansion and HK$60 billion of investment. For more information, please visit

     For event photos, please visit

Ends/Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Issued at HKT 11:07