Following is the transcript of remarks made by the Secretary for Food and Health, Dr York Chow, after attending a public function this morning (February 13):
Reporter: How do you expect the flu situation after the resumption of school?
Secretary for Food and Health: As the weather is turning cold this week and we are at the peak of the influenza season, we expect that with the resumption of all the schools next week, there will be an increase of outbreaks in schools. But with the precaution we have given to all the schools, we hope that the outbreaks will be under control. With the experience of previous years, we expect that there will be a few outbreaks in a number of schools almost every week.
Reporter: How will the Government consider stopping the schools when the flu situation is getting worse?
Secretary for Food and Health: The Department of Health will receive reports from schools in case there are more outbreaks in one class, for example more than three students having influenza at the same time, the schools need to report to the Department of Health. They will investigate to see whether special measures will need to be taken. If there is a large number of infections spreading throughout the school within a very short time, or there are serious cases within a school, they may advise the school to perhaps stop for a week or so. This is depending on the severity and the progress of the epidemic.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)
Ends/Sunday, February 13, 2011
Issued at HKT 15:15