The New Academic Structure (NAS) for Senior Secondary Education and Higher Education has been making good progress with all the important milestones reached following its implementation in September last year.
A spokesman for the Education Bureau (EDB) said today (July 8) that the active participation and commitment of the school sector as well as the support and collaboration of the community have contributed to the smooth implementation of the NAS.
The EDB issued a Circular Memorandum (CM) on July 2 to update schools on the latest developments, major recommendations, university announcements and key information after the implementation of the NAS.
The spokesman said: "The circular highlighted the latest developments which include the findings of the New Senior Secondary (NSS) Subject Information Survey; arrangement of the Student Learning Profile (SLP); networking with other schools to offer NSS Music; international recognition of the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE); admission requirements to undergraduate programmes or sub-degree programmes under the NAS; and the continuous support for teachers through Professional Development Programmes."
He said that the circular had also listed the multiple study pathways for the last cohorts of Secondary 5 students this year and Secondary 7 students in 2012.
Based on the feedback collected in the deliberation process with stakeholders, some major critical milestones to be reached between the 2009/10 school year and the 2011/12 school year are also provided for schools' reference.
The CM No. 119/2010 is the third issue of the series and serves as a comprehensive document containing all the important milestones reached and assisting schools to implement the New Senior Secondary (NSS) curriculum and assessment in the coming school years in a holistic manner.
"We will continue to maintain close communication with schools and other stakeholders to achieve the targets of various important tasks so as to ensure the smooth implementation of the NAS," the spokesman said.
Interested parties are welcome to visit the New Academic Structure Web Bulletin (formerly known as the "334" Web Bulletin) at (www.edb.gov.hk/nas) regularly for the latest developments.
Ends/Thursday, July 8, 2010
Issued at HKT 16:37