The Secretary for Education, Mr Michael Suen, today (May 27) visited Tai Po District to learn more about its latest developments, in particular the provision of education for both the young people and the elderly.
Accompanied by Tai Po District Officer, Mr Ivan Lee, Mr Suen first visited the Hong Kong and Kowloon Kaifong Women's Association Sun Fong Chung College. The school has adopted the "through-train" mode to enhance continuity in the curriculum and strengthen support for its students by collaborating with a primary school that has the same educational philosophy and aspirations.
Mr Suen observed a Liberal Studies lesson conducted in Putonghua in a Secondary One class. The school has been using Putonghua as the medium of instruction in most subjects, especially for junior secondary classes. Mr Suen said he was pleased to see that students have shown a keen interest in Liberal Studies and performed well in the use of Putonghua.
During the tour, Mr Suen also met members of the student union to listen to their views on various education issues and watched an impressive performance of rope skipping.
Mr Suen next proceeded to the Hong Kong Taoist Association Yuen Yuen Institute No. 2 Secondary School which is collaborating with the Salvation Army Tai Po Multi-service Centre for Senior Citizens in running an elderly academy at the campus.
Mr Suen visited a class of senior citizens learning Chinese musical instruments and chatted with the elderly and student volunteers taking part in the programme. He was impressed by the diverse courses offered by the academy, which not only enabled the elderly to pursue continuous learning but also enlarged their social circle and helped promote inter-generational integration.
Apart from school visits, Mr Suen took the opportunity to tour the famous Wishing Trees as well as the Tin Hau Temple and the popular Lam Tsuen Wishing Square that used to be the former Lam Tsuen Public School.
Mr Suen said he was impressed by the efforts to conserve the Wishing Trees and the tourism development plan for the Wishing Square.
Before concluding his visit, Mr Suen exchanged views with Tai Po district personalities on a number of issues including the constitutional development of Hong Kong.
Ends/Thursday, May 27, 2010
Issued at HKT 18:33