Members of the public are invited to visit the "Exhibition of Secondary School Students' Creative Visual Arts Work (2009/10)" organised by the Education Bureau's (EDB) Arts Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute from now to February 17 at the EDB Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre.
The exhibition aims at providing an opportunity for students to demonstrate their creativity and artistic ability in the visual arts, and promoting communication among students, teachers and the public. This year, nearly 500 art works are on display. These exhibits have been selected from 1,679 entries submitted by 173 secondary schools. The artwork covers different topics and a wide range of art forms and media such as drawing, painting, printmaking, media art, photography, sculpture, ceramics and design. In this exhibition, each artwork is accompanied by the artist's statement, which provides viewers with more information to interpret and appreciate the work. Also on display are 90 examination scripts including drawing, painting and graphic design for Visual Arts in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination 2009.
In order to encourage more students of different ages to submit their entries, this year the participants are categorised into two age groups for the selection of awards, i.e. "12 to 15 years old" and "16 years old or above". Grand Prizes and Honourable Mentions are selected from four forms of visual art work, i.e. "2-Dimensional Work", "3-Dimensional Work", "Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy" and "Media Art" in each age group. Prizes include book coupons and certificates.
The Arts Education Section was honoured to have Mr Laurence Chi-shing Tam (Former Chief Curator, Hong Kong Museum of Art), Professor Dominic Man-kit Lam (artist and Chairman of World Eye Organisation), Professor Harold Kar-leung Mok (Chairman and Professor of the Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Ms Mee-ping LeungG (Assistant Professor of Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University) as honorary adjudicators to select the prize winners from the exhibits created by individual students. The selection criteria included creativity, aesthetics, manipulation of techniques and media, and communication.
Video clippings of interviews with the adjudicators, who share their views on the artworks, are shown during the exhibition.
Admission to the exhibition is free. Students, teachers and the public are welcome to visit the exhibition, whose details are as follows:
Exhibition period: Now to February 17, 2010
Opening hours : Monday to Saturday: 10am to 6pm
Sunday and public holidays: Closed
Venue : Room WP01, Podium, West Block
EDB Kowloon Tong Education
Services Centre
19 Suffolk Road, Kowloon
Information about the exhibition has been posted on the website of the Arts Education Key Learning Area, Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau at (www.edb.gov.hk/cd/ae).
Ends/Friday, January 22, 2010
Issued at HKT 17:43