U Theatre from Taiwan to perform "Sound of the Ocean"

     U Theatre, a renowned drum group from Taiwan with extraordinary technical and athletic prowess, will perform "Sound of the Ocean" in December, to strike an energetic note during the 5th East Asian Games in Hong Kong.

     Created by artistic director Liu Ruo-Yu and music director Huang Chih-Chun, "Sound of the Ocean" traces the cyclical journey of water from a drop to a stream, from a river to the ocean.  It includes five distinct yet beautifully interwoven sections applying the rhythms of temple bells, gongs, and large and small skinned drums to illustrate the theatrical tension.  The instruments, some enhanced by large driftwood structures, create a striking visual landscape.  The hypnotic and electrifying performance expresses the ongoing search for an artistic form that captures the essence and preciousness of life.

     The Times of London said that U Theatre's performance was "a synthesis of theatre, percussion, martial arts and meditation. At times the gongs swell like a wave rising from the deep, then ebb as the decay of the note reverberates around the auditorium. Lightly tapped, repetitive phrases build into rapid-fire rhythms to evoke the pitter-patter of raindrops building into a downpour."

     Since its premiere in 1998 at the Avignon Festival, "Sound of the Ocean" has been performed more than 120 times around the world, including engagements at the Venice Biennale, Lyon Biennale, Spain's Millenia Festival, the Sao Paulo Arts Festival, Singapore Arts Festival, Bergen International Festival, the London Barbican Centre, the Next Wave Festival in New York and Chekhov International Theatre Festival in Moscow.

     U Theatre was founded by Liu Ruo-Yu, Huang Chih-Chun and a group of dedicated, professional performing artists in 1988.  The Chinese name of U Theatre means "beating drums in a peaceful state of one's own".  The performers' power and feats of speed and precision put them at the forefront on the international arena and showcases the excellence, innovation and depth of Taiwan's culture and arts.

    Presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, "Sound of the Ocean" by U Theatre is one of the attractions of "Cultural EAG".  The programme will be staged at 7.30pm on December 11 (Friday) at the Grand Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre.  Tickets ranging from $100 to $380 are now available at URBTIX outlets.  Half-price tickets are available for senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients (limited tickets for students and CSSA recipients available on a first-come, first-served basis).  A group booking discount is also available. Please refer to programme leaflet for details.

     For programme enquiries, call 2268 7321; for ticketing enquiries and reservations, call 2734 9009; for credit card telephone bookings, call 2111 5999; for Internet bookings, visit (www.urbtix.hk); for more information, visit (www.lcsd.gov.hk/cp).

Ends/Thursday, November 5, 2009
Issued at HKT 13:13