Government appoints chairman and members of Mega Events Fund Assessment Committee

     The Government today (June 12) announced the appointment of Mr Jeffrey Lam Kin-fung as the chairman of the Assessment Committee of the Mega Events Fund.

     Other members of the Assessment Committee comprise the following persons from the tourism, culture, arts, sports and event management sectors as well as representatives from the Home Affairs Bureau, the Information Services Department and the Tourism Commission:

Mr Chris Burke
Professor Frank Fu Hoo-kin
Mr Michael Hobson
Mr Wayne Leung Wai-yin
Mr Stephen Tan
Deputy Commissioner for Tourism
Deputy Director of Information Services
Deputy Secretary for Home Affairs

     The appointments will be effective from June 15, 2009, for three years.  

     The Assessment Committee is set up to advise the Government on the administration of the Fund, including drawing up the guidelines and criteria for assessing the applications, considering applications, monitoring the progress of events supported by the Fund and evaluating their performance.

     "We are grateful to the appointees for their agreement to serve on the Assessment Committee.  

     "With their professional expertise and rich experience in their fields, we are confident that the Assessment Committee will carry out its job competently and bring in more signature mega arts, cultural and sports events to add to Hong Kong's diverse offerings to visitors from around the world," a Government spokesman said.

     In his 2009-10 Budget, the Financial Secretary earmarked $100 million to set up the Mega Events Fund to assist local non-profit-making organisations to host more attractive arts, cultural and sports events over the next three years to further promote Hong Kong as the events capital of Asia.  The Legislative Council has approved the funding.

Ends/Friday, June 12, 2009
Issued at HKT 18:48