The Lands Department announced today (April 29) that the tender for two petrol filling stations had been awarded on a 21-year land grant at a total premium of $228.191 million.
The two sites at Stanley Village Road, Stanley, Hong Kong (Stanley Inland Lot No.115), and Jockey Club Road, On Lok Tsuen, Fanling, New Territories (Fanling Sheung Shui Town Lot No. 237), were awarded to ExxonMobil Hong Kong Limited at $59.509 million and $168.682 million respectively.
"Authority from the Central Tender Board was given to the Lands Department to award the above sites to the highest tenderers," a Government spokesman said.
The successful tenders were submitted on individual basis for the purchase of the two sites. These two sites are existing, re-tendered sites for the development of petrol filling stations.
Three tenderers took part in the tender exercise, which produced a total of seven tenders: five for the sites individually and two for the two sites collectively as a package. The companies other than the successful tenderers that tendered (individually or as a package) are listed below in respect of each lot and in alphabetical order:
(i) Stanley Inland Lot No. 115
(a) Shell Developments (HK) Limited
(b) Sinopec (Hong Kong) Limited
(ii) Fanling Sheung Shui Town Lot No. 237
(a) Shell Developments (HK) Limited
(b) Sinopec (Hong Kong) Limited
Ends/Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Issued at HKT 17:12