The following is the transcript of remarks by Secretary for Education, Mr Michael Suen, to the media after attending a radio programme today (January 17):
Reporter: ĄDĄDĄD if you do not respond to teachers' demand for deferring the implementation of the fine-tuning policy, the problem of teachers having too much pressure would occur?
Secretary for Education: Certainly, I hope that this will not occur. It's not as if I'm not responding to their demand. Actually I had many discussions with various stakeholders. I think we are well aware of the problems. We are taking active measures to address them. I do believe that if we are able to address their concerns, there should not be any problem in the implementation. We are working towards that goal.
Reporter: ĄDĄDĄD deferring implementation?
Secretary for Education: I think we have got to understand why they are suggesting this. If there are problems, we must resolve them. My point is that we should be addressing these problems rather than talking about deferring the implementation.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion)
Ends/Saturday, January 17, 2009
Issued at HKT 16:34