Stage I and Session 1 of Stage II of the Secondary Six Admission Procedure ended today (August 4), and a total of 21,472 Secondary Five (S5) students have obtained Secondary Six (S6) places in public sector schools. Of them, 16,605 were offered school places in Stage I and the rest in Session 1 of Stage II.
A total of 4,103 S6 places in public sector schools are still available for application in Session 2 of Stage II and Stage III tomorrow (August 5).
In Session 2 of Stage II which will take place between 9am and 1pm, students with 14 points or more (best six subjects in one sitting) in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) can apply to other schools.
Stage III will be held between 2pm and 4.30pm. All HKCEE participants with current year results which satisfy the minimum A-Level entry requirements can apply to their own or linked schools.
To facilitate students' application to other schools at Stages II and IV, S6 vacancy information will be released through the Education Bureau (EDB)'s S6 Admission Procedure webpage, www.edb.gov.hk/s6ap_e and the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) telephone hotline at 3499 1111 (Cantonese); 3499 1112 (Putonghua); 3499 1113 (English). This requires students to input school codes to get the vacancy information of individual schools. For school codes, please refer to the S6 Admission Procedure webpage and the Careers Guidance Handbook for S5 Graduates.
Students may also make use of the computers for public use at public libraries, District Offices, community centres and community halls to access S6 vacancy information on the Internet.
For enquiries about the Secondary Six Admission Procedure, students can call the EDB's central hotline (Tel: 3115 2112). They are also welcome to contact the bureau's Regional Education Offices for assistance.
Besides S6 school places, students can choose from a variety of sub-degree programmes based on their interests. For course details, they can refer to the Information Portal for Accredited Self-financing Post-secondary Programmes at www.ipass.gov.hk or the website of individual tertiary education institutes for publicly funded programmes.
As for Project Yi Jin, the Federation for Continuing Education in Tertiary Institutions (FCE) will hold an exhibition cum joint registration for the full-time programme at the Hong Kong International Trade and Exhibition Centre at Kowloon Bay on August 9 and 10 and will receive applications there. Students who have successfully completed the programme will be awarded a full certificate that is comparable to five passes in HKCEE, with which they can further their studies by taking courses run by the FCE's member institutions as well as other institutions; or seek employment, including applying for civil service posts.
The EDB has arranged an approved course provider to provide evening secondary courses (Secondary 1 to Secondary 7) in designated Government school premises. Students meeting relevant requirements will be eligible for a reimbursement of 30%, 50% or 100% of the tuition fee. For application details, please call the Hong Kong College of Technology at 2192 8118.
Ends/Monday, August 4, 2008
Issued at HKT 19:07