Alert on contaminated raw oysters

¡@¡@The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) today (July 24) advised people not to eat certain batches of New Zealand raw oysters suspected to be contaminated with a micro organism which might cause vomiting or diarrhoea.

    The affected products are "Clevedon Coast Oysters¡¨, including half-shell and pottled oysters, with batches numbered ¡§2230697 ¡V 2210780¡¨, ¡§4240687 ¡V 4110780¡¨ and ¡§9060780 ¡V 9080780¡¨.

    "We also appeal to the trade to stop selling these particular oysters," a CFS spokesman said.

¡@¡@According to the New Zealand authorities, the relevant company, Pakihi Marine Farms Ltd, was recalling the affected products.

¡@¡@"The CFS has contacted the New Zealand authorities for more information. We have also alerted the trade and are closely monitoring the situation," the spokesman said.

Ends/Thursday, July 24, 2008
Issued at HKT 18:21