Appointments to the Deposit Protection Appeals Tribunal

    The Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau announced today (January 11) that the Chief Executive had made the following appointments to the Deposit Protection Appeals Tribunal (DPAT) under the Deposit Protection Scheme Ordinance (DPSO) :

Mr Simon Herbert Mayo

Panel of persons who may be appointed to be members of the DPAT:
Professor Charles David Booth
Professor Simon Ho Shun-man
Mrs Mabel Lui Fung Mei-yee
Miss Winnie Lun Pong-hing
Mr Rupert James Purser
Mr James Wardell

     The appointments are effective for a term of three years starting next Monday (January 14).

     Except for Mrs Mabel Lui Fung Mei-yee, all members, including the chairman, are serving members of the DPAT.

     The DPAT is established under the DPSO to review, at the request of depositors or member banks of the Deposit Protection Scheme, certain decisions or assessments made by the Hong Kong Deposit Protection Board or the Monetary Authority under the DPSO.

     The appointments were gazetted today.

Ends/Friday, January 11, 2008
Issued at HKT 14:30