Appointment of members to the Consumer Council

    The Government today (December 28) announced the re-appointment of seven members of the Consumer Council:

Mr Raymond Choy Wai-shek
Mr Ernest Ip Koon-wing
Mr Brian Li Man-bun  
Mr Allen Ma Kam-sing
Ms Anita Ma Wing-tseung
Professor Wong Yung-hou
Mrs Lily Yew Kuin King-suk

     The appointment of three new members was also announced:
Mr Paul Chan Mo-po
Ms Amanda Liu Lai-yun
Ms Irene Yau Oi-yuen

     The re-appointments and appointments are effective for two years from January 1, 2008.

     "We are delighted that the seven serving members and the three new members have accepted the re-appointments and appointments respectively. With their expertise and experience in different sectors, we are confident that they will provide invaluable advice and support to the work of the council in promoting consumer interests," a government spokesman said.

     Dr Elizabeth Shing Shiu-ching, Mr Peter Sun Kwok-wah and Dr John Wong Yee-him, who have been council members for six years, will complete their terms on December 31. "We would also like to express our  gratitude to the retiring members for their contribution to the council's work in various areas to enhance consumer protection," the spokesman said.

     The appointments are published in the Government Gazette today.

Ends/Friday, December 28, 2007
Issued at HKT 11:15