The following is issued on behalf of the Women's Commission:
The Women's Commission welcomes the Policy Address delivered by the Chief Executive yesterday (10 October).
Chairperson of the Women's Commission Ms Sophia Kao said: "The Commission supports the establishment of an integrated, holistic and high-level Family Council, to be chaired by the Chief Secretary for Administration. We are pleased that the new mechanism will take a leading role in promoting family as a core social value, and implementing policies and initiatives to support the family.
"Over the past few years, the Commission has dedicated a lot of efforts to the promotion of nurturing caring families and creation of a family-friendly environment to foster work-family balance and family solidarity. We are pleased to note that the Government will continue to promote family-friendly employment practices. We welcome all other new initiatives in the Policy Address that foster caring families, such as enhanced housing arrangements to promote mutual family support and care for the elderly, increase home care services in support of families living with frail elders, strengthened day foster care and child care services.
"On women's safety, the Commission welcomes the Government's introduction of the Domestic Violence (Amendment) Bill. We are glad to see that the Government will intensify direct support for victims of domestic violence, such as increasing placement in refuge centres for women, and introduce a new anti-violence programme for abusers. The Commission will continue to tender advice and support to the Government in tackling domestic violence, and work with NGOs and community partners in strengthening the coordinated community intervention approach in combating domestic violence.
"Gender equality is the cornerstone for social harmony and sustainable development. We are delighted to note that the Government will continue to provide support to the Commission in promoting the interests and well-being of women through the provision of an enabling environment, empowerment of women and public education, as well as to work with us to further promote gender mainstreaming. We will work closely with the Government, and collaborate with different sectors of the community to nurture a culture of mutual help and respect, and promote gender equality," Ms Kao added.
Ends/Thursday, October 11, 2007
Issued at HKT 19:38