The Education Bureau today (July 9) reminded parents that the results for Secondary School Places Allocation (SSPA) 2005-2007 would be announced tomorrow (July 10).
"A total of 77,255 students participated in the SSPA System for this allocation cycle," a department spokesman said. "Taking into account the total number of students allocated through discretionary places and the first three choices through central allocation, the overall satisfaction rate is 84%, which has risen by about three percentage points as compared with last year (81%). Considering the number of students allocated discretionary places and the first choices through central allocation, the satisfaction rate is 68%, which is also higher than last year's 62%."
The spokesman believed that the rising satisfaction rate for this allocation cycle under the revised mechanism could be attributed to the fact that parents were able to make good use of the discretionary places choices and the increased opportunity in selecting suitable schools for their children through central allocation. As a result, the chance for students allocated to secondary schools of their preference was enhanced.
The satisfaction rates for discretionary places and central allocation were further provided as follows:
* 22,912 students were allocated discretionary places (about 30% of the participating students), and the rate was higher than last year's 20%;
* Among the students allocated through discretionary places, 61% were allocated the first choices; and
* For students allocated through central allocation (including Part A for Unrestricted School Choices and Part B for Restricted School Choices), the percentage of students allocated the first three choices was 76% (which was slightly higher than last year's 75%), and the percentage of students allocated the first choices was 53% (which was also slightly higher than last year's 52%).
The revised SSPA mechanism has been implemented as from this allocation cycle. At the discretionary places stage, the maximum discretionary places quota had increased from 20% to 30% for each secondary school, and the number of schools that students could apply to had increased from one to two. At the central allocation stage, 10% of the central allocation places were set aside for the newly introduced Unrestricted School Choices in Part A, and students could choose a maximum of three secondary schools from any school nets under this category. As for Part B Restricted School Choices, the practice remained unchanged. Students could still choose a maximum of 30 schools within their own net.
"While students are provided with discretionary places and central allocation choices in Part A which are unrestricted by school nets, some 85% had chosen schools within their own net as the first choices. This shows most parents wish to send their children to secondary schools within the vicinity," the spokesman said.
"We hope parents and students can accept the allocation results with a positive attitude. The future of the students does not rest entirely on the schools they are allocated to; it hinges more on whether students are prepared to do their best and to learn with a positive spirit. In this connection, it is important for the parents to give their children support and encouragement, rather than let their expectations become a burden on their children."
All Primary Six students participating in this year's SSPA System should return to their schools tomorrow (July 10) to collect the Allocation Slips and Admission Slips.
The registration period will take place on Thursday and Friday (July 12 and 13). Students must report to the secondary schools allocated during the registration period. In case the students and their parents or guardians are not able to register with the allocated school during the registration period, they should authorise in writing a representative to complete the registration procedure on their behalf. Failure to do so means they have chosen to give up the places allocated. A standard authorisation letter can be obtained from their primary schools.
If the parents or students concerned have genuine difficulties in reporting to the allocated schools in person or by an authorised representative during the registration period, they should inform their allocated schools or the School Places Allocation Section of the Education Bureau before the end of the registration period so that alternative arrangements for registration can be made.
The spokesman reminded parents that all Secondary One entrants must bring along their Allocation Slips to the schools they have registered with before 9am on July 17 in order to take the Pre-Secondary One Hong Kong Attainment Test which would start at 9am.
If the tropical cyclone or rainstorm warning signal is issued on the day for announcement of allocation results or on the days designated for registration, schools and parents should pay attention to announcements on the radio or television for special arrangements.
For enquiries about the allocation results, please call the Education Bureau's School Places Allocation Section on 2832 7740 or 2832 7700 during office hours.
Ends/Monday, July 9, 2007
Issued at HKT 17:26