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Lotteries Fund allocates more than $265 million to welfare programmes

    The Lotteries Fund allocated $265,285,415 to finance various social welfare service programmes from January to March this year, a Social Welfare Department spokesman said today (May 18).

     Of the total, $107,064,115 went to elderly and medical social services; $73,995,200 went to social welfare support services; $42,744,600 to rehabilitation services; $32,118,800 to youth services; $7,954,500 to family and child welfare services; $1,225,300 to community development service; and $182,900 to services for offenders.

     The fund was established to finance, by way of grants, loans or advances, the operation or development of social welfare services and medical or educational projects with a welfare content, the spokesman said.

Ends/Friday, May 18, 2007
Issued at HKT 16:35


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