CE meets the media (with photo)

    Following is the translation of remarks made by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, on the Economic Summit on "China's 11th Five-Year Plan and the Development of Hong Kong", at a media session at the Main Wing lobby of the Central Government Offices today (September 8):

     The Economic Summit on "China's 11th Five-Year Plan and the Development of Hong Kong" will be held next Monday (September 11). During the summit, my colleagues and I, together with 33 experts from various sectors will discuss the challenges and opportunities arising from the 11th Five-Year Plan and how Hong Kong can come up with a timely response and practical implementation proposals.

     We have invited the Director General of the Department of Fiscal and Financial Affairs, National Development and Reform Commission, Mr Xu Lin, and the Director of the Guangdong Development and Reform Commission, Mr Chen Shanru, to brief us on the National 11th Five-Year Plan and Guangdong Province's 11th Five-Year Plan, respectively.

     To prepare for next week's summit, I had a breakfast meeting this morning with the convenors of the four focus groups, Dr Victor Fung Kwok-king, Dr David Li Kwok-po, Mr Tung Chee-chen, and Mr Leung Chun-ying, as well as other officials. We exchanged views on the agenda of the summit, the outcome we would expect and the follow-up action that the focus groups should take.

     The Economic Summit is not just a forum; it is also a down-to-earth organisation tasked with developing strategic proposals, to enhance and maintain Hong Kong's international status in three areas - finance, trade and shipping. With these strategies, we can roll up our sleeves and work together.

     Under the present globalisation and the rapid economic growth of our country, we should have a clear understanding of three strengths as well as our potential and advantages. We should also realise our internal and external advantages and disadvantages, our position in the national development strategy, responsibilities and how to boost Hong Kong's long-term, sustainable economic development at the same time.

     Therefore, we should determine the way to safeguard our three strengths. We should not only be a national and regional centre in regard to each of our three strengths, but also an international centre. Also, we should look at how we can contribute to the development of the Mainland and at the same time benefit Hong Kong people and create more job opportunities to raise our living standards.

     If we recognise Hong Kong has reached a leading position in the world in certain aspects, we should determine our strategy to maintain our advantages and surpass our competitors. Regarding areas where we are not in a leading position, we have to formulate specific enhancement measures to reach the highest level.
     The Economic Summit on Monday is just the start. Its focus groups will absorb and reinforce more expert opinions after the meeting. Through these pragmatic discussions, we will establish a visible and feasible action agenda at the end of this year to give different sectors a clear direction in which to pursue the overall interests of Hong Kong. We should co-operate with each other and step forward together.

     Thank you.

Ends/Friday, September 8, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:44