Remarks by Secretary for Security on Egypt traffic accident

    Following is the transcript of a media session held by the Secretary for Security, Mr Ambrose S K Lee, at the lobby of the Central Government Offices today (January 31) regarding assistance to Hong Kong residents involved in a traffic accident in Egypt:

Secretary for Security: At about 2.15 pm this afternoon, the Immigration Department received information saying that a group tour in Egypt had an accident leading to a certain number of deaths and a certain number of people injured. We immediately contacted our embassy in Egypt, asking for their help. As far as I know, the embassy has already sent officers to Hurghada. That trip will take at least six to seven hours. So, they are on their way.

     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is deeply shocked and saddened by this news. On behalf of the Chief Executive, and myself, we wish to offer our deepest sympathy to the families of the dead and the injured. The Hong Kong Government will offer every possible help to the families to tide over this very difficult period.

     The Hong Kong Government has decided to send four Immigration Officers together with one doctor and one nurse to depart for Egypt this evening. We wish to help those still stranded in Egypt and to offer every possible assistance to the family members.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:33