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LCQ3: Rural schools


Following is a question by the Hon Lau Wong-fat and a reply by the Secretary for Education and Manpower, Professor Arthur K C Li, in the Legislative Council today (May 19):


Will the Government inform this Council:

(a) of the respective current numbers of rural schools which are still in operation and those which have been closed throughout the territory;

(b) whether the premises of the rural schools which have been closed have been put to other uses; if so, of the respective numbers of school premises left vacant and those put to other uses; and

(c) of the policy for disposing of the premises and land of the rural schools which have been closed?


Madam PresidentĄG

(a) Education and Manpower Bureau (EMB) does not have a strict definition for rural schools, nor there are schools specifically registered as rural schools. Traditionally, rural schools refer to small primary schools in rural areas of the New Territories, which have usually been established as a result of initiatives taken by the local villagers, to provide basic education for village children. These schools were mostly built in the early 1950s when primary education was not universal. The facilities of these rural schools are sub-standard compared to the standard school designs developed in the last decade. Many of them only have a few classrooms; some are still operating combined classes (i.e. putting students of two or more class levels in the same class).

Based on the above understanding and according to EMB's record, 26 rural schools have ceased operation since 1997. There are 77 rural schools currently in operation.

(b) According to the information provided by Lands Department, of the rural school premises that have ceased operation, 19 are vacant, seven have been or will be converted for other purposes, e.g. for village office or recreational purposes etc.

(c) According to the information provided by Lands Department, if the premises of closed rural schools are situated on private land, the land owners can decide on the use of the premises and land concerned as long as the use complies with the land use planning and lease conditions.

If the vacant rural school premises are situated on government land, the Lands Department will dispose of the land concerned under the prevailing land administration practices , i.e. the long term land disposal will be in accordance with the development plans. To make optimum use of the land pending permanent disposal, temporary allocation or lease by short-term tenancy will be arranged with reference to the needs and the situation in the district. .

Ends/Wednesday, May 19, 2002


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