The Government announced today (March 28) that Mr Nicholas Ng, Secretary for Transport, and Mr Dominic Wong, Secretary for Housing, will proceed on pre-retirement leave on April 2 and 13, 2002 respectively.
On the retirement of Mr Nicholas Ng, the Chief Executive Mr Tung Chee Hwa said: "Mr Ng has served with drive and commitment in the civil service for nearly 32 years. He has made exemplary contributions to the development of Hong Kong. During his tenure as the Secretary for Transport, he has made commendable efforts in enhancing the transportation infrastructure of the territory to meet the future challenges."
Speaking about the retirement of Mr Dominic Wong, the Chief Executive said: "Mr Wong has rendered close to 40 years of loyal and dedicated service to the Government. He has made commendable service in the development of housing in Hong Kong."
The Chief Executive wished Messrs Ng and Wong a happy retirement.
The appointment to the offices of the Secretary for Transport and Secretary for Housing will be announced separately.
The following are biographical notes on Mr Ng and Mr Wong:
Mr Nicholas Ng Wing-fui -------------------------------
Aged 55. Mr Ng joined the Government in June 1970, and has served briefly as an Assignment Officer and then as an Executive Officer II. He transferred to the Administrative Service in August 1971 and rose to his present rank of Director of Bureau in January 1995.
Over the years, Mr Ng has served in a number of policy bureaux and departments. Senior positions held by Mr Ng in recent years include: Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service (November 1985 - February 1987); Deputy Secretary for Trade and Industry (February - July 1987); Deputy Director of Information Services (July 1987 - March 1989); Secretary-General, Standing Commission on Civil Service Salaries and Conditions of Service (May 1989 - May 1991); Director of Administration (June 1991 - January 1994) and Secretary for Constitutional Affairs (January 1994 - August 1997). He was appointed a Principal Official of HKSARG in July 1997 and took up his present position of Secretary for Transport in August 1997.
Mr Dominic Wong Shing-wah ------------------------------------
Will reach 60 in April 2002. Mr Wong joined the Government in September 1962 and has served in the Certificated Master, Executive Officer and Trade Officer Grades. He subsequently transferred to the Administrative Service in October 1973 and rose to his present rank of Director of Bureau in June 1996.
Mr Wong has served in various policy bureaux and departments. Senior positions held by Mr Wong in recent years include: Deputy Secretary for the Civil Service (January 1984 - January 1988); Deputy Secretary for Education and Manpower (January 1988 - September 1989); Postmaster General (September 1989 - May 1992) and Director of Education (July 1992 - December 1994). He took up his present position of Secretary for Housing in December 1994 and was appointed a Principal Official of HKSARG in July 1997.
End/Thursday, March 28, 2002