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The Government today (November 27) awarded a HK$4.9 million consultancy contract to Camp Dresser & McKee International Inc. to undertake a comprehensive study in the coming 32 months to investigate the viability of using new and renewable energy technologies in Hong Kong and to make recommendations for formulation of an implementation strategy.
A pilot project to install photovoltaic panels in existing government building(s) to demonstrate to the general public the applicability of new and renewable energy technologies will also be included as part of the study.
The study will help the Government to formulate a development strategy using new and renewable energy technologies in Hong Kong to reduce pollution arising from energy use and to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
The study will -
The study is an initiative managed by the Energy Efficiency Office of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department at the directive of a Steering Group comprising members from the Environment and Food Bureau, Economic Services Bureau, Architectural Services Department, and Electrical and Mechanical Services Department.
End/Monday, November 27, 2000 NNNN