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The Government today (October 26) awarded a HK$9,380,000 consultancy contract to Parsons Brinckerhoff (Asia) Ltd. to undertake a study on territory-wide strategy for implementation of the wider use of Water-cooled Air Conditioning Systems (WACS) in Hong Kong.
Taking into consideration of the significant environmental, financial and economic benefits to be brought about by converting air-cooled air conditioning systems to water-cooled mode, the consulting company is required to formulate plans, a programme and control requirements within a year for the phased implementation of WACS in the territory.
The study will -
(a) collect and examine data including cooling capacities, air conditioning system types, cooling tower and condenser types, treatment methods, water consumption rates, discharge volumes, and quality of discharges in different localities;
(b) evaluate the demand placed on water supply, sewage system and future centralised WACS infrastructure;
(c) identify and prioritise the implementation of District Cooling System and Centralised Piped Supplied System for Condenser Cooling as well as WACS using cooling towers in suitable localities;
(d) assess the potential environmental impact of WACS discharges and recommend suitable mitigation measures;
(e) assess the potential Legionnaires' Disease and other health risks associated with fresh water cooling towers and recommend a registration/licensing system for cooling towers to safeguard public health; and
(f) formulate plans and a phased implementation programme for the infrastructure improvement and construction packages including scope, size, land requirement, cost estimate and timing. The study is managed by the Energy Efficiency Office of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department at the directive of a Steering Group comprising members from four bureaux and nine departments.
They are the Environment and Food, Economic Services, Planning and Lands and Works Bureaux; the Buildings Department, Drainage Services Department, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Environmental Protection Department, Department of Health, Planning Department, Lands Department, Territory Development Department, and Water Supplies Department.
End/Thursday, October 26, 2000 NNNN