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Property Vetting Committee

  • Assistant Director (Architectural),
    Architectural Services Department (Chairman)
  • A representative from Government Property Agency
  • A representative from Treasury Branch of the Financial Services and
    the Treasury Bureau
  • Other members to be co-opted as required

Terms of Reference

  1. To examine and set government accommodation and design standards for reference.
  2. For Specialist / Departmental Buildings to be constructed under Public Works Programme, medical subventions of Capital Works Reserve Fund or provided through lease conditions in private development schemes, with reference to the approved Project Definition Statement, Client Project Brief or user requirements-
    1. to ensure that due consideration has been given to the optimum utilisation of the site in the Schedule of Accommodation proposed by the user departments or the project proponent;
    2. to examine the Schedule of Accommodation and facilities proposed by the user departments or the project proponent; and
    3. to control subsequent alterations to the approved Schedule of Accommodation.
