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Accommodation Strategy Group

  • Deputy Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury
    (Treasury)3 (Chairman)
  • Director of Architectural Services
  • Principal Assistant Secretary for Financial Services and
    the Treasury (Treasury) (E)
  • Government Property Administrator

Terms of Reference

  1. To decide administratively the phased expenditure and distribution of funds under Head 703 Subhead 3101GX between various categories of work, namely:
    1. minor building works not exceeding $3 million each;
    2. minor building works exceeding $3 million but not exceeding $33 million each;
    3. minor building works exceeding $33 million but not exceeding $50 million each; and
    4. fitting out works for newly allocated government accommodation;
  2. to agree on criteria for prioritisation of proposals for minor building works to be funded under Head 703 Subhead 3101GX;
  3. to examine and recommend to Deputy Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Treasury)3 for approval the funding, under Head 703 Subhead 3101GX, of projects exceeding $33 million but not exceeding $50 million each, taking into account recommendations of the Minor Building Works Committee or Government Property Administrator, as appropriate;
  4. to review from time to time the administrative demarcation and share of funds of the categories at (a); and
  5. to examine and approve the programme of refurbishment works as proposed by Director of Architectural Services for funding under Head 703 Subhead 3004GX.
