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Radiological Protection Advisory Group

(Appointed by the Director of Health)

  • Professor CHU Ming-chung (Chairman)
  • Dr. KUNG Boom-ting
  • Dr. LEE Ho-fun
  • Dr. Paul LEE Sing-fun
  • Dr. Shara LEE Wee-yee
  • Dr. Forest LIN Yanchang
  • Dr. LUK Bing-lam
  • Dr. Dennis NGAR Yuen-kan
  • Mr. Chris LEUNG Chun-bong
  • Dr. TU Yanjun
  • Senior Scientific Officer, Radiation Monitoring and Assessment
    Branch, Hong Kong Observatory
  • Senior Physicist in charge, Radiation Health Division,
    Department of Health
  • Senior Physicist, Radiation Health Division, Department of Health

Terms of Reference

The Radiological Protection Advisory Group is required to advise the Director of Health on health matters relating to the radiological consequences that might eventuate from radioactive releases from nuclear facilities. In particular the Group is required to advise on:-

  1. the development and subsequent review of 'Dose Models' designed for use in assessing the consequences for the public of any accidental radiation release to the environment;
  2. the dose limits that should apply to the Hong Kong population and in particular to individuals in certain critical groups;
  3. the criteria that should be used to interpret emergency environmental monitoring data;
and, without prejudice to any decision that may be taken by the Director of Health, during the intermediate and recovery phases, of any nuclear accident situation affecting Hong Kong to advise on:-
  1. the interpretation of environmental radiation monitoring data and their impact on the public;
  2. the countermeasures that should be adopted having regard to the widely applied principle that the risks should be reduced to a level which is as low as reasonably practicable.
