LegCo Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services visits Judiciary (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Legislative Council Panel on Administration of Justice and Legal Services visited the Judiciary today (May 21) and met with members of the Judiciary.

     Members met with the Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal (CFA), Mr Geoffrey Ma Tao-li; the Permanent Judge of CFA, Mr Andrew Cheung; the Acting Chief Judge of the High Court, Mr Wally Yeung; and the Judiciary Administrator, Miss Emma Lau, at the High Court Building (HC Building). They exchanged views on issues of mutual concern, including extension of the retirement ages and terms of office of judges and judicial officers (JJOs); problems encountered by the Judiciary in recruiting JJOs and its solutions; measures to protect the safety of court building users; latest progress of the two projects to construct the new High Court and the new District Court; and issues faced by the courts in handling more controversial cases.

     Members also received a briefing on the court and office accommodation strategies as well as court security at the HC Building, and they took the opportunity to observe on site about the operation of security screening at the HC Building. Meanwhile, led by the Chief Justice Mr Geoffrey Ma Tao-li, members toured the CFA Building to gain a better understanding of the work of CFA.

     Members participating in the visit included the Panel Chairman, Dr Priscilla Leung; the Panel Deputy Chairman, Mr Dennis Kwok; Panel members Mr Alvin Yeung and Dr Junius Ho; and non-Panel members Ms Claudia Mo, Mr Kwok Wai-keung, Dr Helena Wong and Mr Wilson Or.

Ends/Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Issued at HKT 19:05