Second HK-Mainland Cyber Security Forum held in Xiamen

     ​The second HK-Mainland Cyber Security Forum (the Forum), jointly organised by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) and the Bureau of Cyber Security of Cyberspace Administration of China, was held in Xiamen today (October 15). A delegation led by the Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Allen Yeung, attended the event.
     The theme of the Forum was "Facilitating Data Flow Securely and Orderly, Promoting Economic and Social Development in Both Places". Some 150 experts from the government, research sector and academia, professional bodies and information security industry of the two places attended the Forum to exchange views on topics relating to data protection as well as personal data policy and law.
     Addressing the Forum, Mr Yeung stated that the Belt and Road, "Internet+" and "Made in China 2025" initiatives will help promote information and communications technology development. Large-scale data flows will attract national and overseas data centres to bring together big data technology, talents and capital, creating new industry chains, thus fostering economic development in the two places.
     "A comprehensive cyber security system should be established to ensure the proper protection of data under storage, processing and transmission through the formulation of data security protection policies and standards," he said.
     The Forum comprised four sessions and a panel discussion in which related experts shared their insights and discussed with participants the policies, laws and measures on data protection of the two places.

Ends/Sunday, October 15, 2017
Issued at HKT 16:45