Secretary for Justice visits Islands District (with photos)

     The Secretary for Justice, Mr Rimsky Yuen, SC, visited Islands District today (September 11) to understand the latest development plans of infrastructure and tourism in the district and met with Islands District Council members.

     Accompanied by the Chairman of the Islands District Council, Mr Chow Yuk-tong, and the District Officer (Islands), Mr Anthony Li, Mr Yuen visited Tung Chung New Development Ferry Pier and was briefed by Planning Department officers on the Tung Chung New Town Extension Study, the public rental housing development project in Tung Chung Area 56, and the topside development at the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities Island of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.

     Mr Yuen then visited Pui O Beach in South Lantau, where he was briefed by Development Bureau officers on a study launched by the Lantau Development Advisory Committee to formulate a recreation and tourism development strategy for Lantau, and to define and propose effective recreation and tourism development projects on the island.

     Mr Yuen today also met with members of the Islands District Council and exchanged views on issues of mutual concern.

Ends/Friday, September 11, 2015
Issued at HKT 18:46