2012 waste statistics published

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) today (January 28) issued the "Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong - Waste Statistics for 2012" report. The report presents the statistics for 2012 on quantities of solid waste disposed of, and estimates of solid waste recovered, including municipal solid waste (MSW) (comprising domestic, commercial and industrial waste), construction waste and other categories of waste in Hong Kong.

     According to the report, the average daily quantity of solid waste disposed of at landfills was 13,844 tonnes, representing an incremental increase of 2.9 per cent compared with 2011. The per capita MSW disposal rate per day, which was 1.3kg, remained at a stable level and was slightly lower than the rate of 1.4kg a decade ago.

     Compared to 2011, the total quantity of recovered recyclable materials was 0.86 million tonnes lower, of which waste plastics accounted for 0.53 million tonnes. These reductions resulted in a drop in the MSW recovery rate from 48 per cent in 2011 to 39 per cent in 2012.

     An EPD spokesman said, "The decrease in the estimated MSW recovery rate in the past two years was mainly attributed to the decrease in the quantities of recovered recyclable materials. However, the quantities of MSW disposed at landfills remained stable without any major increase. Therefore the decrease in the estimated MSW recovery rate has not significantly affected the pressure on the landfills or compromised the effectiveness of our work on waste recovery and recycling."

     In the past several years, the quantity of recovered waste plastic has fluctuated significantly, caused mainly by anomalies in the domestic export figures of waste plastic. In order to examine the issue further, the EPD commissioned a consultant to study the reasons for the significant fluctuations in the related figures and to review whether the present approach of estimating the MSW recovery rate is appropriate. Taking into account the findings of the consultancy study, the EPD has concluded that the present method of estimating the MSW recovery rate will continue to be used. However, in order to ensure that the relevant statistics can better reflect the actual situation, we will implement appropriate measures in data collection as follows:

1. Reinforce the auditing of the relevant statistical figures;
2. Prepare additional guidelines and arrange regular workshops for the trade, including recyclers and exporters so that trade declarants can clearly understand and comply with the relevant statutory declaration requirements; and
3. Conduct surveys with waste plastics exporters who make declarations regarding domestic exports to collect supplementary information with a view to enhancing the MSW recovery rate estimation.

     The EPD spokesman added that the Administration puts great emphasis on waste management work and will continue to strengthen its efforts and resources in implementing the waste reduction policies and actions as set out in the "Blueprint for Sustainable Use of Resources", with a view to resolving the imminent waste problem in Hong Kong.

     The report, which is available in electronic format, can be obtained from the EPD website at www.wastereduction.gov.hk/en/materials/info/msw2012.pdf.

Ends/Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Issued at HKT 18:28