Retirees rock on at seniors centre

     A set of drums, an electronic keyboard and ready laughter are drawing a group of retired friends together to a recently renovated seniors centre every week. They find that the jam sessions energise them and make them feel younger.

     In the 2012-13 Budget, $900 million from the Lotteries Fund was allocated to improve the physical setting and facilities of seniors centres to engage seniors in the community.

     The management of a district elderly community centre noted that seniors nowadays value choices and have their own points of view. Though old in years, they are still young at heart and want to have fun. The centre has tailor-made its facilities and activities to help its patrons get the most out of their lives. today (August 4) introduces some of the centre's patrons, who describe how it has given them a second chance to fulfill childhood dreams of playing in a band, brought them closer to their young family members, and enabled them to make new friends. The story appears today in in both text and video version.

Ends/Sunday, August 4, 2013
Issued at HKT 12:01