Renowned patisserie owner shares business success tips with Microfinance Scheme borrowers (with photo)

The following is issued on behalf of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority:

     The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited (HKMC) today (June 14) organised a seminar titled with "Hard Work And Passion Will Lead You Somewhere" which invited renowned model-turned-pastry chef, Amanda Strang, to share her tips of starting a business successfully with the borrowers of the Microfinance Scheme. Amanda shared her exceptional experience in starting up the business and her tips of making it a success with around 70 attendees, many of whom are also business starters.  

     "Amanda went through training at a world-renowned culinary arts school in France and served as apprentice in some top patisseries, showing that she has a great commitment to her business and had good preparation before opening her shop.  This kind of spirit is exactly what business starters should learn about," said the Chief Executive Officer of the HKMC, Mr Raymond Li.

     Having a great passion for pastries, Amanda opened a patisserie in Central about two years ago, which has swiftly drawn a lot of good comments from pastry lovers and become one of the best known patisseries in the city.  

     The HKMC launched the Microfinance Scheme in collaboration with six banks and five non-governmental organisations in June 2012. The Microfinance Scheme has approved 72 applications as of end-May 2013, with a total loan amount of around HK$20 million. These loans provide substantial assistance to the borrowers to start up or expand their own businesses, which cover a wide range of industries, e.g. food and beverage, IT applications and food waste management.

     The Microfinance Scheme aims to offer loans to the borrowers to assist them to start their own businesses, become self-employed or achieve self-enhancement through training, upgrading of skills or obtaining professional certification. Apart from providing financial support, the scheme also provides services such as mentorship to help borrowers to set up or expand their own businesses.  The HKMC will also from time to time organise free seminars and invites successful entrepreneurs to share their inspiring success stories with the borrowers.  

     For enquiries about the Microfinance Scheme, please call the hotline at 2536 0707.  

Ends/Friday, June 14, 2013
Issued at HKT 20:11