Prosecution decisions are made fairly and impartially

     In response to media enquiries regarding an ICAC case involving the Chief Executive, a spokesman for the Department of Justice said today (January 30) that it is not appropriate to comment on individual cases. However, the spokesman stressed that the Department has in place an established mechanism to ensure that prosecution decisions and related matters are handled fairly, impartially and strictly in accordance with the law.

     "All prosecution decisions are made in accordance with the Statement of Prosecution Policy and Practice. Should there be any issue or sensitivity with regard to the matter or the person involved, seeking independent advice from independent counsel or delegating the prosecution decision to the Director of Public Prosecutions are options available for consideration, and these options have been adopted in past cases. The Secretary for Justice will ensure that these options will be adopted as and when it is appropriate to do so."

Ends/Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Issued at HKT 14:58