Basic Law Souvenir Design Competition invites entries

     The following is issued on behalf of the Working Group on Industrial, Commercial and Professional Sectors under the Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee:

     The Basic Law Souvenir Design Competition for the industrial, commercial and professional sectors is now open for entries. Members in these sectors are welcome to join on an individual or team basis. The closing date is September 7.

     Participants should embrace the elements of the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and the Basic Law in their creative designs. The entry deliverables should comprise souvenir design drawings and a written explanation of the ideas and design concepts, as well as a CD-ROM containing soft copies of the drawing and the written explanation.

     The winner, the first runner-up and the second runner-up in the competition will be awarded a cash coupon of $20,000, $5,000 and $3,000 respectively. Two merit prizes will also be awarded. The winning designs may be adopted for souvenir production and free distribution for promotion of the Basic Law.

     This Basic Law Souvenir Design Competition is organised by the Working Group on Industrial, Commercial and Professional Sectors under the Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee, and is supported by the Hong Kong Design Centre. As 2012 marks the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the HKSAR and is also designated as Hong Kong Design Year, the competition aims to enhance interest in and understanding of the Basic Law among the sectors, and to promote creative designs.

     Details of the competition and entry forms can be downloaded from the Trade and Industry Department website: For enquiries, please call the secretariat of the working group at 3403 6047.

Ends/Thursday, July 5, 2012
Issued at HKT 11:31