The Government responds to extended suspension of Ngong Ping 360 cable car

     In response to press enquiries on the extension of operation suspension of Ngong Ping 360, a government spokesman said today (February 3) that the Government paid serious attention to the operation of Ngong Ping 360, and it was essential to maintain a high safety standard and stability of service, as well as to take care of the needs of the customers.

     The spokesman said: "After consulting the Tourism Commission and the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD), Ngong Ping 360 has decided to extend the suspension of the cable car operations for two months, replace the bearings on all the seven bullwheels in the system, and advance this year's annual inspection."

     "During the suspension, the EMSD will closely monitor the maintenance work and the progress of examinations of Ngong Ping 360. The EMSD will only approve the resumption of the cable car service when the inspection result is satisfactory."

     The spokesman said that the Tourism Commission and other related government departments, including the EMSD, the Transport Department, the Fire Services Department and the Hong Kong Police Force, were monitoring and assisting the management of Ngong Ping 360 Limited (the Company) to complete the review of contingency measures, the communication mechanism with the tourism trade and customers in the event of service disruptions, as well as the notification arrangements of service suspension before the resumption of the services.

     "Ngong Ping 360 is conducting a comprehensive inspection on the incident on January 25 and replacement of the corresponding parts, and is improving the contingency measures and communication arrangements. These show that the Company gives top priority to service safety and reliability. The Company puts the best efforts to ensure system stability and a smooth operation of the cable car, in order to let customers feel at ease and to resume cable car operations as soon as possible," the spokesman added.

Ends/Friday, February 3, 2012
Issued at HKT 21:05