Man charged with murder

     Police today (September 11) charged a 40-year-old man with one count of murder in connection with a case in which a 35-year-old woman died in Shatin on September 9.

     About 11.45am on September 9, the 35-year-old woman was found collapsed inside a unit at Mei Tao House in Mei Lam Estate. She was taken to Prince of Wales Hospital for medical treatment and was later certified dead at 3.19 pm of the same day. The 40-year-old man was arrested on the same day after Police investigation.

     A post-mortem examination conducted yesterday (September 10) revealed that the deceased sustained multiple injuries. Further toxicological examinations will be arranged.

     The arrested man will appear at Shatin Magistrates' Courts tomorrow (September 12).

     Active investigations by the District Crime Squad of Shatin are underway.

Police Report No. 7
Issued by PPRB

Ends/Sunday, September 11, 2011
Issued at HKT 14:26