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Compania Teatrocinema from Chile takes theatre beyond the stage

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department's Boundless Multi-Media Series will present the latest production by Chile's Compañia Teatrocinema, "Without Blood", in September. The story of revenge spans half a century, and is narrated through characters in the flesh and in the virtual world. The troupe is renowned for fusing the languages and techniques of theatre arts and cinema into a single entity, and in so doing creates the illusion of travelling through time and space, generating soaring stories that virtually escape the four concrete walls of a theatre.

     The show is a movie-style theatre production with blood and love, hatred and warmth, darkness and light, and revenge and forgiveness. In the story, a girl survives a massacre and decades later matures into a ruthless avenger. When the girl meets her revenge target, their conversation opens the floodgates for a torrent of unspoken histories and motivations. For the two lost souls, wrecked in a dark ocean of violence and spilled blood, things finally begin to make sense.

     Compañia Teatrocinema was founded in 1987 as La Troppa, with the mission to become a brigade of artists marching across a devastated landscape of cultural decay. With this spirit, the group achieved its breakthrough with unique pieces such as "El Santo Patrono", "Rap del Quijote", "Lobo", "Salmˆun Vudˆy", "Viaje al Centro de la Tierra", "Pinocchio", "Jesˆys Betz" and "Gemelos". The works were well-received worldwide by audiences, numbering in the thousands across North and South America, Europe and Asia. In 2006, the company was renamed Compañia Teatrocinema, with a conglomeration of artists from the most diverse disciplines coming together in their shared quest for beauty and poetry, literature, imagery and music.

     "Without Blood" by Compañia Teatrocinema from Chile (performed in Spanish with Chinese and English surtitles) will be staged at 8pm on September 23 and 24 (Friday and Saturday) at the Theatre, Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre. Tickets priced at $260 and $180 are now available at all URBTIX outlets, on the Internet and by credit card telephone booking. Half-price tickets are available for senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities, full-time students and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients (limited tickets for CSSA recipients on a first-come, first-served basis). Special booking discount is available for the Boundless Multi-Media Series; please refer to the programme leaflet for details.

     For programme enquiries, please call 2268 7323, or visit For ticketing enquiries, please call 2734 9009. For credit card telephone bookings, please call 2111 5999. For Internet bookings, please visit

     This programme contains coarse language, scenes and dialogue that some audience members may find disturbing.

Ends/Friday, August 19, 2011
Issued at HKT 11:39


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