European investors find China the growth engine to the economy and Hong Kong the city for investment (with photo)

     The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (HKETO), Berlin, participated at the 5th RCM Asia Conference hosted by Allianz Global Investors on May 10-11 (Berlin time) in Berlin.

     Joining a panel discussion with European corporate leaders, Director of the HKETO, Berlin, Mr Stephen Wong, said, "The economic development as well as the reform and opening of the Mainland China have presented new opportunities for a broader and deeper financial market. We have much to offer in supporting our country's rapidly expanding and increasingly internationalised economy." He outlined the emerging trends in the post-global financial crisis and the role of Hong Kong as the offshore Renminbi centre, explaining the relevant policy initiatives of the Hong Kong and Mainland governments.

     In the presentation "European Direct Investments in Hong Kong" to a group of financial journalists, Mr Wong pointed out that one important basis for Hong Kong to be a prime global financial centre in the Asian time zone is that its business environment services are world-class and fully integrated with the rest of the world. This allows Hong Kong to be not just a place to carry out China-related activities, but global operations with an emphasis on Asia.
     "More than 550 German enterprises set up their offices in Hong Kong, engaging in trade, transport and logistics, consulting and financial services. And Germany is the partner country of Hong Kong Business of Design Week to be held later this year," Mr Wong added.

     More than 100 investors attended the conference from May 10-11. Thirty financial journalists from a number of European countries such as Austria, France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland also attended the conference.

Ends/Friday, May 13, 2011
Issued at HKT 00:46