First series of LegCo exhibitions and career talks in local universities successfully held (with photos)

The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The first series of Legislative Council (LegCo) exhibitions and career talks in three local universities organised by the LegCo Secretariat early this year concluded successfully, attracting a total of more than 8,000 visitors to the exhibitions and about 300 students to the career talks.

     Secretary General of the LegCo Secretariat, Ms Pauline Ng, said that the holding of the exhibitions and career talks not only enhanced young people's understanding of the work and functions of LegCo, but also helped promote the services and job opportunities offered by the LegCo Secretariat to appeal to talented university graduates to join the professional team of the Secretariat and provide quality services for the Council.

     "The LegCo Secretariat is planning to hold roving exhibitions throughout the territory at the start of the fifth LegCo in order to enhance public knowledge about LegCo and LegCo Secretariat. The experience we gained this time will absolutely be helpful for the organisation of similar events in future," Ms Ng added.

     Ms Ng also said that to promote visitors' awareness about LegCo, thematic exhibitions on the legislature would be held regularly in the exhibition area located at the ground floor of the new LegCo Complex at Tamar, which is scheduled to commence operation later this year.

     In February and March this year, the LegCo Secretariat organised the first series of exhibitions on LegCo in three local universities, including the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Baptist University and the University of Hong Kong. During the exhibitions, exhibition panels featuring the composition, powers and functions of LegCo, law-making process, public engagement in the work of LegCo, services and job opportunities provided by the LegCo Secretariat were displayed. Staff of the Secretariat was stationed onsite to answer students' enquiries.

     In addition, the Secretariat conducted one career talk in each of these three universities during the exhibition period to introduce to students the job opportunities in the Secretariat to assist them in planning their career development. Students attending the talks were interested in the job nature of major ranks and career prospects in the Secretariat. After the talks, onsite recruitment exercises were conducted for some vacancies, including Educators and Visitors Service Assistants. Students were keen on these posts and eager to obtain more information from the staff of the Secretariat about the jobs. The Secretariat has thus far received over 300 applications.

Ends/Friday, April 1, 2011
Issued at HKT 17:03