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CS inspects preparatory work for Animated Version of Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival (with photos/video)

     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Henry Tang, this morning (November 7) inspected the preparatory work for the exhibition "Animated Version of the Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival".

     At the exhibition venue located at Asia World-Expo, Mr Tang was briefed by the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Mrs Betty Fung, about the progress of preparing for the exhibition.  He also received briefing by the Transport Department on the transportation arrangements and crowd control measures during the exhibition period.
     Mr Tang was glad to see that everything was gearing up for the opening of the exhibition.  He urged the team to attend to every detail to make the event a great success.
     Mr Tang said: "This long-awaited exhibition is a spectacular cultural event offered to the community by the Government."

     He praised the Leisure and Cultural Services Department team for working tirelessly with the production team of the animation.  "They have overcome various technical difficulties to present to the Hong Kong audience this much acclaimed exhibit of the China Pavilion in its best form, with the longest possible exhibition period," he said.

     Mr Tang thanked the Hong Kong Jockey Club for its generous sponsorship.  He appreciated the efforts of the public transport operators in making special arrangements to provide visitors with convenient transport to the exhibition venue.  He also extended his heartfelt gratitude to the Shanghai Municipal People's Government and the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Co-ordination for their strong support for the exhibition.
     "I hope in the coming three weeks, members of the public and tourists will come to the exhibition with excitement, learn more about Chinese history and culture, and leave with an inspired mind," he added.

Ends/Sunday, November 7, 2010
Issued at HKT 17:17


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