Hong Kong - An Education Hub in Asia

     Hong Kong has stressed on developing its education services, promoting the internationalisation of its education sector, and providing an ideal environment to attract quality students, including those from overseas, according to the Director of the Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office (HKETO) in Canada, Ms Maureen Siu.

     Speaking at the ¡§Hong Kong 2010 ¡V The New Legal Landscape and Economy¡¨ seminar in Toronto Friday (October 15, Toronto time), Ms Siu said human capital was Hong Kong¡¦s most important asset.  ¡§We are pleased that Hong Kong has many top quality universities and they have produced many talents throughout the years... Hong Kong would not have been where we are today without the contribution of our universities.¡¨

     ¡§And I want to emphasize that not only do we groom our local youngsters, Hong Kong also welcome talents from around the world.  For that, we have set up a HK$1 billion Government Scholarship fund, which is also available to non-local students who wish to come to Hong Kong to study,¡¨ she said.

     ¡§There is also a PhD Fellowship Scheme that offers generous stipends for students from around the world.  These are all parts of our efforts to develop Hong Kong into an educational hub in Asia,¡¨ Ms Siu added.

     The other speakers at the seminar included three visiting scholars from the Faculty of Law of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) ¡V Professor Mike McConville, Dean of the Faculty; and Dr Arthur McInnis and Mr Dennis Hie, Professional Consultants of the Faculty

     The three Hong Kong speakers covered topics ranging from the ¡§real meaning and importance of the ¡§One Country, Two Systems¡¨ principle, the key developments in legal education, to ¡§Hong Kong as the gateway for trade and outbound PRC foreign director investment¡¨.  They also advised the audience on how to capitalise on Hong Kong new legal landscape and economy.

     About 100 people attended the event. Most of the participants were from the legal and academic sectors, including Mr R. Lee Akazaki, President of the Ontario Bar Association.

     The seminar was presented by the HKETO in association with the Faculty of Law of CUHK, and supported by the Asian Institute of the University of Toronto.

Ends/Sunday, October 17, 2010
Issued at HKT 06:23