Create Hong Kong launches new logo (with photo)

     Create Hong Kong (CreateHK) today (October 11) launched a brand new logo to restate its mission to promote creative industries and to build up the image of the office.  

     The logo features sparks which are the sources of inspiration and the basis of creative endeavours, signifying that creative ideas begin with a sudden inspired moment and an instant of insight. It visualises Hong Kong as a place where innovative ideas are generated.

     Introducing the logo at a media briefing today, Head of CreateHK Mr Jerry Liu said: "The logo is the winning creative design of an open competition organised by us to identify a logo that will represent our mission and aspirations.

      "To draw on local creative minds to flex their creative muscles will help nurture a pool of talent in Hong Kong. The Government also seeks to set an example to encourage the use of local design in the business and other sectors through recognising the creativity of local talent," he said.

     To tie in with the launch, the CreateHK website ( has been revamped with a new layout and attractive look. A new flash animation featuring the logo is shown on the landing page.

      "CreateHK has been operating smoothly since its establishment in June last year. We are supporting projects that are conducive to the development of creative industries through the various funding schemes, including the new CreateSmart Initiative and the well-established Film Development Fund and DesignSmart Initiative," Mr Liu added.

     The Film Development Fund has so far financed 14 film productions and achieved remarkable results. One of the films, "Echoes of the Rainbow", won the Crystal Bear for Best Feature Film in the Generation section of the 60th Berlinale 2010. The well-received CreateSmart Initiative has so far funded 28 projects. It provides sponsorship for the advertising sector to participate in international competitions, including this year's Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival in which Hong Kong scooped 10 awards. It has also sponsored the animation sector to participate in the DigiCon6 Award in Japan for two consecutive years.

     CreateHK has recently approved a scheme to provide financial support for the design sector to participate in renowned international contests.

      "The initiative will not only provide eye-opening and inspiring experience to the participants, it is also a chance to showcase Hong Kong's quality design and gain international recognition," Mr Liu said.

     The scheme will provide grants to participants to cover the competition entry fee. Award winners will be reimbursed the costs of displaying the award-winning products and the air tickets and hotel accommodation to attend the prize-giving ceremony. The scheme will be implemented by the Hong Kong Designers Association. Details of the scheme and eligibility requirements are available at .

     Mr Liu said CreateHK would work with other creative sectors to offer opportunities for local talent to participate in international competitions/awards, noting that winning acclaim in the international arena is an effective way to promote Hong Kong's creative sectors.

     Mr Liu also launched a DesignSmart Initiative booklet and exhibition to highlight success stories under the funding scheme. The booklet features projects supported by the initiative in which enterprises successfully launched innovative products and services through collaboration with designers.  Incubatees of the Design Incubation Programme shared their stories on setting up their business. The exhibition, which runs from today until October 22 at the InnoCentre, will display the project deliverables and incubatee products.

Ends/Monday, October 11, 2010
Issued at HKT 14:42