Vigilance reminder on Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

     The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health has reminded members of the public to stay vigilant against hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) and enterovirus (EV) infections upon receiving report of three cases of complications suspected to be due to EV infection.
     The first patient was a 25-year-old man with good past health who presented with fever, chills, dizziness and headache on July 7 and was admitted to Ruttonjee Hospital the next day.

     He further developed vesicular and papular rash over hands and feet on July 9. He was discharged today (July 12).

     His symptoms were clinically compatible with viral encephalitis. Laboratory tests today found his cerebrospinal fluid specimen positive for EV.

     Investigation revealed that the man's younger brother had symptoms of HFMD a week ago and had already recovered. His other home contacts were asymptomatic.

     The second patient was a 25-month-old boy who had good past health. He had fever and generalised convulsion on July 10 and was admitted to Princess Margaret Hospital. Physical examination showed ulcers and red spots over posterior pharynx and the clinical diagnosis was status epilepticus complicating herpangina.

     His fever subsided today and he is now in stable condition.

     His throat swab was today tested positive for EV.

     The third patient was a 23-year-old man who developed fever on June 6. He presented with rash over hands and diarrhoea on June 9 and was admitted to Prince of Wales Hospital the same day. He was diagnosed to have HFMD clinically.

     The patient was once admitted to intensive care unit because of septic shock with multi-organ failure and myocarditis. Afterwards, his condition improved gradually. He had already recovered and was discharged today.

     His serum was tested positive for Coxsackievirus B5 antibody.

     The spokesman called on the public to maintain strict personal and environmental hygiene to prevent HFMD and EV infections. They should adopt the following measures:

*    Maintain good air circulation;
*    Wash hands before meals and after going to the toilet, handling diapers or other stool soiled materials;
*    Keep hands clean and wash hands properly, especially when they are made dirty by respiratory secretions, such as after sneezing;
*    Cover nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing and dispose of nasal and mouth discharge properly;
*    Clean children's toys and other objects thoroughly and frequently with 1:49 diluted household bleach, followed by rinsing/wiping with clean water;
*    Children who are ill should be kept out of school until their fever and rash have subsided and all the vesicles have dried and crusted; and
*    Avoid going to overcrowded places.

Ends/Monday, July 12, 2010
Issued at HKT 21:56