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USEd to attend Youth Exchange Session

The following is issued on behalf of the Commission on Youth:

     To enhance communication with young people, the Commission on Youth (COY) will organise a series of exchange sessions and invite government representatives to attend so that youths will have more opportunities to exchange views with them on topics of concern.

     The Under Secretary for Education, Mr Kenneth Chen, will attend the Youth Exchange Session on June 2 to share his views on non-means-tested loan schemes.

     The session will be held between 6.30pm and 8pm at the Civic Education and Youth Resource Centre, Seventh Floor, Youth Square, 238 Chai Wan Road, Chai Wan. Youths aged below 30 are welcome to join.

     Interested parties can enroll through online registration on the homepage of the COY ( or the government's youth portal ( For enquiries, please call 2559 9973.

     Enrolment will close on May 26. Ballots will be drawn should the number of enrolment forms received exceed the capacity.

     Representatives of the Environment Bureau will attend the coming exchange session. The details will be announced later.

Ends/Thursday, May 20, 2010
Issued at HKT 11:50


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