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"Thematic Household Survey Report No.40" Published

     The Thematic Household Survey Report No.40 is published by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) today (August 31).

     This publication contains the findings of the Thematic Household Survey conducted during June - August 2008, which collected information on socio-demographic profile, health status and self-care capability of older persons.

     Users can download this publication free of charge at the website of the C&SD (

     The print version of this publication will be available for sale at HK$50 per issue in October 2009.  Purchase can be done in person at the Publications Unit of the C&SD (Address:19/F Wanchai Tower, 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong; Tel: 2582 3025) or through mail order by returning a completed order form which can be downloaded from the C&SD's website (
/other_services/provision_of_stat/mail_ordering_of_publications/index.jsp).  Print version of this publication is also available for sale online at the Government Bookstore of the Information Services Department (

     Enquiries about the results of the survey can be made to the Social Surveys Section of the C&SD (Tel: (852) 2887 5103, fax: (852) 3106 3512, email:

Ends/Monday, August 31, 2009
Issued at HKT 16:00


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