Public urged to take precautions against heatstroke and sunburn

     The Department of Health (DH) reminded people, particularly those engaging in outdoor work or activities, to take measures to prevent heatstroke and sunburn in view of the very hot weather today.

     People should make sure that they bring and drink plenty of water to prevent water loss from sweating while engaged in outdoor work or activities, a DH spokesman said today (August 1).

     "Those engaging in strenuous outdoor work or activities should avoid beverages containing caffeine (such as coffee and tea) and alcohol, since these will speed up water loss from the body through the urinary system.

     "Particular attention should be paid to children, the elderly, the sick (including those with heart disease and high blood pressure) and obese persons who are more vulnerable to heat-related illnesses," he said.

     He said that any person feeling unwell should stop what he or she was doing immediately and seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Ends/Saturday, August 1, 2009
Issued at HKT 10:27